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The Jai’tavius Kelly Interview (Chambersburg, PA)

Ethan Stover |

Name: Jai’tavius Kelly

Height: 6-5

Position: Small Forward/Shooting Guard

High School: Chambersburg (PA)

Graduation Class: 2025

AAU Club: Central PA Elite

Status: Uncommitted

Jai'tavius "JJ" Kelly is a 6-5 Forward/Guard from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. He's a sophomore at Chambersburg Area Senior High School, and runs with Central PA Elite on the AAU circuit. Kelly is also a part of the Trojans football program, and is a standout athlete in the pit who won the triple jump championship at the PIAA state meet and New Balance Nationals this past spring.

At this point in time, it's safe to say that Kelly is the most athletic player that I've covered in my network. And, don't get it wrong, DJ Freeman was real different in high school, but Kelly was made out of a lab and is well beyond his years. His motor is tough-as-nails, finishes strong above the rim, quick on his feet and is transitioning well into a bigger guard with his ability to shoot. But I've seen first hand what Kelly could do as a freshman on varsity, and I'm glad that I caught it before the young man takes the world by storm. He has the potential to be one of the best hoopers in the state by time he's an upperclassman. So please, don't say I didn't warn you.

But, I caught up with the 2025 prospect on his rookie season, freshman track campaign and preparation for year two.


JJ Kelly Interview

When did you start playing basketball?

  • “I started playing basketball my 4th year.”

Describe how you are as a player from the skill standpoint?

  • “The areas of my game that I would say I am best at is my finishing around the rim, ability to make a play on and off the ball, rebounding, decision making, mid range shot, and shot creating.”

I seen you’ve been tearing up the jumping scene this spring. Breaking records and taking states and nationals as a freshman. How was your first track season rook?

  • “It was an amazing experience, and environment. I loved all the people and the coaching staff that helped me achieve all the stuff that I’ve done. I was very surprised on all that I had accomplished. Due to it being my first season doing track ever. But, the coaches helped me become who I am today, and do all the things I have done already so I’d say it was really fun.”

You had a solid season playing varsity as a freshman this past winter. How was your first year experience on the court?

  • "My first year of varsity basketball was a super exciting experience. Before are first game, Coach (Shreffler) called out the starters in the locker room and he said my name. I was in shock, but I had been workin my tail off to be a better player since the offseason. My first game was very nerve racking cause I didn’t wanna mess up or make a mistake, but I had a good game. From there to the end of the season, I was getting more confident and a way better player, but overall I had a great experience."

You’re still at a very early stage of your career. What kinds of things are you doing to make yourself the best player you can be?

  • "I’m honestly just doing anything I can at anytime I have free time. No matter what sport for either basketball, track, or football, I’m consistently somewhere putting in work."

Balancing an athletic workload isn’t easy, but how did the AAU season go for you?

  • "The AAU season went very well for me. My team was full of great players and 2 great coaches. It was my second year playing with CPE, so we were all connected. We won most of the tournaments we went to, and I played well in all of them. I got injured in one tournament near the end, but luckily had a speedy recovery and only missed one tournament, But I cameback for the last few weeks, and had a lot of 20 point games."

Which basketball player do you look up to the most and why?

  • "I look up to Stephen Curry the most because he was doubted coming up as a basketball player. He was undersized and didn’t have much strength, but he found away to get through all that doubt from others. He made a part of his game so dominant in the game of basketball today, that no one can stop him. His energy, heart for the game, helping his teammates, and making plays on and off the ball on the court is amazing to watch."

What are your expectations for the football season this year?

  • “My team goals for this football season is for us all to connect and play together as one, and go for a positive record this year. My individual goals for this season is to work to become a starter, and get in to help the team and do as much as I can to make us a better football team. I would like to score a decent amount of touchdowns as well.”

And, I know it is still very early, but what are you looking forward to this winter in your sophomore season?

  • “I’m looking forward to getting the team together, the amazing atmosphere and environment of basketball games home and away. We look super solid this year, so I’m looking forward to winning a lot of basketball games and hopefully make it to states. I want to put a name out there for Cburg again.”

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me this morning! Do you have any words of encouragement or motivation for people? Any last words?

  • "My words of encouragement to myself when people ask is usually I'm just a hooper wit dreams and my motto for sports is to show up and show out. I may never be number 1, but I will show em why I shouldn't be slept on and wake up everybody eventually."

Media Links on JJ Kelly

With a state title and 2 national titles, Chambersburg’s JJ Kelly has proven he is one of the Mid-Penn’s best athletes, and he is just getting started

Kelly's 2022-2023 Basketball Schedule

Twitter @jaitavius

High School Coach Information

AAU Coach Information

Mark Hofsass -

Contact Tyreese Smith

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