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The Kobe Moore Interview (Harrisburg, PA)

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

Name: Kobe Moore

Hometown: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Sports: Baseball, Football and Wrestling

Positions: Running Back and Linebacker (Football), Catcher (Baseball)

Height: 5-10

Weight: 160

High School: Camp Hill (PA)

Graduation Class: 2024

Travel Club: Susquehanna River Reactors (Baseball)

GPA: 3.8

Accomplishments: Mid Penn All-Conference Linebacker

Status: Uncommitted

CAMP HILL, PA -- Kobe Moore is a 5-10 Athlete from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He's currently a junior at Camp Hill High School, who's a member of the Lions' football, wrestling and baseball programs. Moore additionally plays for the Susquehanna River Reactors Baseball Club during the travel season.

I know what you're thinking, "I thought he only did basketball?" Well, I'm experimenting during my break. At any point in time, there would've been no excuse on why I couldn't bring Moore to the RPN. I haven't seen a more likable kid than Moore. No matter if it's how he carries himself as an athlete, friend, family man, teammate or even through his community work with Camp Hill's FTK, Moore has a unique spirit. A true class act.

To pick his brain and see where he's at right now in life, I gave Moore the opportunity to talk briefly about his career.

I caught up with the 2024 athlete on growing up in the Harrisburg area, his sports career and being a part of the Camp Hill community.


Kobe Moore Interview

Kobe Moore, welcome to the brand! How’s everything been lately?

  • "Life has been good so far into my junior year. Finished up a solid year in football, and I am off to a very good start halfway into the wrestling season."

For those who may not know you, introduce yourself real quick.

  • "My name is Kobe Moore. I am a junior at Camp Hill High School. I play football, baseball and I'm a wrestler as well. I have two older siblings. Sister, Jaylin, played basketball at Trinity and older brother, Jordan played football at Trinity before transferring to Camp Hill his senior year."

How was life growing up in the Harrisburg area?

  • "I have grown up in a unique situation where I am able to see both worlds. I spent my elementary years on the East Shore. I went to school in the CD School District, and played for teams over there before moving to the West Shore at the start of middle school. It's definitely two very different environments, even though it is only about a 20 minute difference. Nowadays, I still split my time between the East Shore and West Shore. Where I'll either hang out with my friends from school in Camp Hill, or hang out with my friends that I know from outside of school that live closer to my mom in Middletown."

Being at Camp Hill, I know that the school can be a very welcoming place. Especially in small communities where the support and friendships can last for a lifetime. Now being halfway through your junior year, how has your experience been at Camp Hill so far?

  • "I don’t think I could’ve made a better decision in my life then moving into Camp Hill. Everyone from the community, teachers, coaches and even to all the little kids in the elementary schools who we help out with are so impactful in my life. I strive to be my best self for those people. They make it very easy by supporting not only me, but every student athlete in the community. One of my main reasons for coming into Camp Hill is who I basically call my brother, Marcus Colson. I have known Marcus since about second grade when I started playing football with him. Since then him and his family have basically taken me in as a second son. You can ask anyone in Camp Hill that if you ever need to find me, I am most likely at Marcus’ house. Maybe even more than my own. "

  • "I also have found that Camp Hill has one of the best educational schools." Moore continued. "In the area which is another reason for me coming here. As for the social aspect, I love being so closely knitted with everyone around me. Outside of my core friend group I am still pretty close with a lot of people. Small towns are amazing because everyone has grown up with everyone around them, and it makes it so much easier to get along with people."

When did you first start your sports journey?

  • "I have been playing all three of my sports for the majority of my life. I started them all when I was 4 years old. Apart from my parents having to sign waivers for me to start playing football a year early. The only story I have for this one is my dad tells all the time. One day when my brother was at basketball practice at CD East, I was there and wandered out of the gym. That is when I found myself in the middle of a high school wrestling practice in the room right across the hall. This was the first real experience I had with wrestling, and I asked my dad if he could sign me up for it. The rest was history."

I know you are mad busy right now with wrestling, but let's take it back in time. How was football season last year?

  • "It was definitely a season that I don’t think me, or any of my teammates expected. Around the time the schedule came out we looked at it and thought we would be lucky if we won a game. In summer workouts our confidence definitely grew, and throughout the season we definitely exceeded our expectations. The season didn’t end the way we wanted it to, but it was definitely one to be proud of. Me personally I feel like I had one of my best years. I was named a Mid-Penn All-Conference linebacker and made a few all-area teams. I had a pretty solid year especially on defense with 97 tackles and 67 being solo."

Next, describe the ongoing wrestling season?

  • "At this point in the season I have a 19-1 record with my only loss against Lehigh commit, Griffin Gonzalez in the finals of one of our tournaments. This is definitely my best year by far at this point in the season and am really excited to see what is to come. This season we lost two of our best wrestlers from last year in Marcus Colson, who tore his ACL during soccer, and Christian Doi who graduated last year and wrestles at Kutztown. It's definitely tough as a team losing two guys like that, but we have adjusted well and have a lot of kids stepping up."

  • "It's a very big benefit having a kid like Noah Doi," He continued. "On our team when it's all said and done, he will probably be one of the best wrestlers to come out of Camp Hill. We kind of feed off each other's energy. Whether that is drilling with each other in practice every day, or competing in tournaments to see who can get the most wins. We are always using each other as motivation to perform. I also think that we have one of if not the best coaching staffs in the area. They push us to not only be the best wrestlers we can be, but also the best men."

Let's revert back to family life. You grew up in a family of athletes especially with basketball. With you adventuring into other sports, how's it been being in a different area of the playing field?

  • "Not going to lie. Growing up having to be at basketball games three times a week and then AAU tournaments all summer, I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to start taking things into my own hands. For me, I enjoy the fact that I am the different one in my family because I brought a new life into wrestling. I think my family especially my dad has grown to love the sport. It's gone from him knowing absolutely nothing about it to him trying to give me advice mid-matches. I am also the only one of my sibling that never had my dad as one of my coaches, so I find that pretty interesting in the fact that I have kind of gone on my own path. My mom is very quiet, but she also loves watching me play my sports. Except of course when I am cutting weight during the winter, and that is when she can’t stand me *laughs*.

Have you heard of the new kid on the block, Luke Brown? I heard he's the hottest out right now as a media personality.

  • "Of course I have heard of my boy LB! I have gone to school with him since 6th grade, and his goal in life has not changed. He has been persistent with it since then. Whenever he first told me that he wanted to be in sports media, I like many other people around him doubted him. He definitely proved all of us wrong. It has been really cool seeing him live up to his dream and keep this as a passion in his life throughout the years. I am very excited to see where he ends up in the future."

Getting back on topic, what are some things that you would want to achieve in life moving forward?

  • "Whenever my sports career is done and over with, I definitely still want to stay involved with it. Me and my friend, Christian (Doi) have had this idea of coming back into Camp Hill later in life and taking over the football, wrestling and baseball programs to create an absolute powerhouse in Camp Hill. I also think that it would be pretty cool to move out of PA (Pennsylvania) as a whole and move somewhere down south. The Carolinas, Georgia or somewhere similar. I’m gonna have to look into this some more, but I think that it would be pretty cool. Opening up or getting into a high position at a school like IMG academy."

As you’re now at the age where you’re starting to look for college opportunities, what do you ideally look for in a college?

  • "For me I really have no preference so far in college. I am still trying to get my name out, so I don’t really have any room to be picky yet. I am definitely looking for a place where I can really connect with the coaches and other athletes that are there. I am also looking to stay relatively close to home, but my first priority is to get in contact with schools."

What are you looking forward to for the rest of the school year?

  • "This year in wrestling I've been looking to improve from last year where I was just a few matches away from making it to the state tournament. I definitely want to work my way to being a state qualifier, and not stopping there but also winning a few matches at states. With PA being very dominant in wrestling compared to other states, a trip to the state tournament in puts you in a very high class compared to the rest of the country."

  • "For this upcoming baseball season," He continued. "I believe that we can be in contention of a district and state championship. We have a very talented team, and definitely have the power to make a deep run into the summer."

I know I'm supposed to be on my basketball hiatus right now, but thank you for joining me Kobe. I plan to sharpen up by March *laughs*, but do you have any words of encouragement or motivation for people? Any last words?

  • "One thing I will say is that if you want to be elite in your sport, going to team practices isn’t enough. You have to put in the work. Whether that is staying late and getting extra reps, going to the gym to get yourself stronger or more in shape. At times it will feel very lonely, but that is the extra step you need to take to progress yourself from the rest around you. Thank you for having me be apart of this!"

Twitter @kobemoore34

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