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Player Profile: DJ Freeman (Montgomery, AL)

Name: D.J. Freeman

Height: 6’6

Position: Small Forward

High School: Casady High School, Class of 2021

GPA: 2.7

Offers: East Central, Emmanuel (GA) Hampton, Murray State (OK), Oklahoma Baptist, Oral Roberts

Interests: Alabama State and Chaminade

Status: Uncommitted

Favorite hobbies outside of basketball: Spending time with family, fishing, and working on my game even more.

Expectations heading into the offseason/college: "The only expectations I really have is working hard to make sure I’m ready for the next level. To push my teammates each and every day so that I know they’re getting better as well."

D.J. Freeman is a 6'6 Small Forward from Montgomery, Alabama. He's originally from Alabama but moved to Oklahoma City during his middle school years. DJ is currently a senior at the Casady School who's looking to play at the next level. He holds offers from East Central University, Emmanuel College (Georgia) Hampton University, Murray State University (Oklahoma), Oklahoma Baptist University and Oral Roberts University. The Casady star also has interests from Alabama State and Chaminade University. He previously played with Team Griffin EYBL and H&H Elite for AAU. DJ is a one of a kind basketball prospect. He's a high flying, freak of nature on the court and is one of the most humbled prospects I have covered. In his senior season, DJ averaged 28.7 points, 17.7 rebounds, 3.3 assists, 3.7 steals and 2.7 blocks per game for the Casady School throughout 19 games (14-5 record). Let's get to know more about the Casady School standout!



  • Athleticism is out of this world

  • Can Stretch the Floor

  • Creative scorer

  • College Ready Prospect

  • Defensive Stopper

  • Drives at will

  • Elite Rebounding and Shot Blocking Ability

  • Freak of Nature - Has video game like bounce

  • Plays strong ABOVE the rim

  • Strong Leadership Skills

  • Strong Mid Range Game

If you don't know about DJ Freeman already, then you are missing out. Freeman is a freak of nature on the basketball court. The Alabama native is a strong two way forward who's very physical on both sides of the floor, can create his own shot and plays strong above the rim. Freeman had a monster year averaging close to 29 points per game playing a hard schedule at the Casady School. The fact that a lot of points came from inside the paint, it's highly impressive. One thing that makes Freeman shine more than his style of play is his leadership. He wants to see the best out of his teammates and has a competitive fire that a coach cannot teach. Freeman had to be made out of a lab because I've never seen this much athleticism from an under the radar prospect ever. Has to be a 2k created player with all of his VC.


  • Having a consistent perimeter game

There aren't many flaws in DJ's game but one thing I would say for him is to build a perimeter game for college basketball. Freeman plays beyond his years and is a freak of an athlete, but working on his perimeter game will be crucial because he won't be able to easily go through bigger opponents at the next level. This can go into building a consistent three ball, ball handling skills, pull up jumper, etc. Once Freeman can expand his game, he will become a monster on the basketball court.

Scroll down for the DJ Freeman interview.



When did you first start playing basketball?

  • "Growing up in Alabama we played basketball every now and then, but soccer was the sport I loved at the time. I guess you could say basketball has always been a part of my life and that I’ve always played it, but I never really took it serious until moving to Oklahoma my 8th grade year once I seen what I really could do."

Describe your game

  • "I’m a long 6’6 forward who can play inside and out on the offensive end, and a relentless rebounder. I create for others around me, love playing defense, and seeing the rest of my team succeed even if I’m not doing well."

Describe the experience of being at the Casady School.

  • "Being at Casady has truly been a blessing. It was a big change mostly for me, and my family moving from majority black schools to Casady, but the opportunity I’ve been given to attend the school changed my life for the better. Starting at Midwest City High School was cool, but it wasn’t the right environment for me to get to where I want to be later in life. With that being said my grades were extremely low, I had no intentions of going to college, and everything I’ve accomplished thus far wouldn’t have even been in my vocabulary. Casady has helped me bring up my grades tremendously, I’ve gotten offers to attend college to play ball, and changed the way I live and approach certain situations in my life."

How was your senior season?

  • "My senior season was memorable for sure it’s a season that I’ll never forget! As a team we traveled to Texas a couple of times to play some school in our SPC conference, but it was way different from the previous 2 years I’ve been at Casady due to the pandemic and rules we had to follow in order to play. We made the most of it though going 14-5 while getting cut short by not having a tournament this season. My teammates and I played well this season not only getting better together on the court everyday, but building life long relationships off the court as well."

You're such a hard working and entertaining player to watch D.J. How has your college recruitment been throughout your prep career?

  • "My college recruitment has been good. I’ve still been talking to coaches from all divisions throughout this pandemic which is a pretty cool experience for me and my family knowing that there are actually people who want me to play for their programs and to help develop me into the player I want to be. I have offers from ORU, Hampton university, OBU, Emmanuel, ECU, Murray state (in Oklahoma) and have been talking to the coaches at Chaminade in Honolulu, and ASU back home in Montgomery and a few more. Even if those schools don’t offer, just the opportunity to be able to talk with some of these coaches and hear what they have to say is a pleasure because most people aren’t getting this attention at all. Just a few years ago college wasn’t even on my mind so I’m very grateful for what I have and what has opened up for me!"

Who is your favorite basketball player to watch?

  • "My favorite player to watch would have to be KG! Watching Kevin Garnett has helped me mold my offensive and defense game like his in a way, but at the same time twisting my own flavor in at the same time *chuckles*. I love the passion he played with every game. The way he leads his team, plays big inside while breaking down his defender outside the arch to get to his spots, and the effort he puts in on the defensive end has never went unseen by anyone."

Who do you look up to as role models?

  • "My 2 biggest role models would be my mom and pops. They are 2 of the strongest people I know. They get deployed wherever by the military, fight for this country, but still come home and take care of me and my 2 younger brothers. Also My uncle, Dorsey, uncle Chevis Smith, and my AAU coach, Kellen McCoy. They’re always there for me, push me to be better than I was the day before, are a key part in my life and have helped develop me into the player and man I am today. For the people I didn’t mention I appreciate everyone who has helped me with anything, for real."

What is your favorite high school memory?

  • "From 9th grade until now it has really been a movie. I’ve enjoyed my time making friends and memories everyday, but my most memorable event would be winning peach jam with my Team Griffin family during the summer of 2019. That is something I’ll never forget!"

How will you shape your game moving forward to get ready to play at the next level?

  • "I’ve already been back in the lab getting ready for my first year of college wherever I’ll attend for the next chapter of my life! I’ve mainly been building on my strengths, and working on my guard skills everyday to build upon my weaknesses so I can stay ready. I’ve started track to stay on my feet and in shape, and in the weight room to get my body right as well. I’m excited to see what come out of all of this!"

Do you have any words of encouragement or advice for people?

  • "Some words of advice from me would be to keep working to get to where you want to be because anything is possible for real if you work for it. There’s a plan for everybody even you. You can’t just sit around and expect for whatever it is you want to do to happen. If a opportunity presents itself take it and run with it, you never know what might come out of it. Also build relationships with people because that could take you a long way!"

DJ Freeman on senior night with his family.

2020 - 2021 Casady School Cyclones Basketball team.

DJ Freeman, Casady High School Class of 2021

DJ Freeman 2021 | Team Griffin Closed Session



High School Coach Information:

Matt McLeod - Email

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