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The Spring Break Interview with Maddie LaFrance (Harrisburg, PA)

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

I caught up with former RPN hooper and Central Dauphin standout, Maddie LaFrance for another interview.

Check it out below:


Maddie LaFrance Interview

Welcome back Maddie, how’s everything?

  • "Thank you so much for interviewing me again! Everything has been going good. Been busy with classes at school, and wrapping up the end of the season."

Your senior year of high school was a very long year. From the early stages of the pandemic, your season getting delayed and even the recruiting process. Let’s go back in time, how was your senior year for you?

  • "Senior year was no where of what I imagined it to be. Although, it was tough with the pandemic and so many normal routines adjusted. I learned so much that year. Take in every little thing you can and don’t take anything for granted. For the most part, I enjoyed my senior season, and was super blessed the fact I got to play during a world wide pandemic. Playing with Caroline Shiery (Liberty commit) one more time was super fun, and playing great competition was unforgettable. Even although it was a mess, I am overall blessed I got to have a senior season and enjoyed every second of it."

The beginning of the college journey isn’t easy for a college freshman. Having to make the switch from high school classrooms to being in college lectures can be challenging. But seeing it from your perspective, how was your freshman experience at Tusculum University?

  • "Yes. The jump from the high school classroom to a college lecture hall can be hard, but I got it down after some experience. The class size was perfect, and the professors I had were super nice and great teachers. The friends I made not only on the team, but off the court are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. The size of the campus is smaller so everyone really knows who each other is so the relationships are a lot stronger. Even though I was at Tusculum for only one year, I will miss the friends I’ve made down there, so much."

In your best words, what are the similarities and differences that you’ve seen from living in the north vs. the south?

  • "Going to a school in the south, I knew there were going to be a lot of culture changes. First thing I noticed about being in the south, is the people. How nice and friendly everyone is blows me away with their smiles and big hearts. Another big difference is the landmarks and landscapes you see. There are a lot of mountains and farm land that has beautiful views from any angle. Not to mention of course, the weather down there is much warmer during the course of the year. They don’t get snow a lot and never gets as cold as PA weather. One common idea the north and south has is that they love sports. There were always a great crowd at our games, and really any other sporting event down there. People love to come and support the teams playing, and always have a good crowd."

As you told me last week, “Everything happens for a reason.” Why did you decide to put your name in the NCAA transfer portal?

  • "I am a big believer that everything does happen for a reason. I think that everyone in this world has a path that they are put on, but you will hit bumps along that path. The reason why I entered the transfer portal was because it just wasn’t the place for me. I didn’t believe I was going to succeed and thrive at the program down there. I ended up getting redshirted, that way I get 4 years of eligibility on the floor."

I seen you’ve been enjoying your spring break back in the burg. What have you been doing to stay active throughout the offseason?

  • "I am so excited to come home for spring break. Our season just ended last Wednesday, so I haven’t had a lot of time to really get started on my post season workouts. But since I am home, I was able to see my trainer Dave Brixius at EXSP and get some workouts in with him. Once I head back to college, I will be lifting 5 days a week as well as getting time in the gym to do basketball workouts."

The question everybody is curious to know, what is your next move?

  • "I have been on a couple of visits recently and have enjoyed every second of it. As of right now, I am very close to making a decision on my next school and am very excited for the opportunities that were presented to me. I look forward to sharing it with you and everyone very soon!"

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me this morning. Do you have any more words of encouragement or motivation for people? Any last words?

  • "Some words of encouragement and motivation I would have for some people is everything is earned. Nothing is given to you. Always put in the effort and work into your sport and it will take you places. Nothing is just handed to you, you have to work to earn everything. That goes not only with sports, but with life in general."

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