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The Sienna Manns Interview (Mechanicsburg, PA)

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

Name: Sienna Manns

Height: 5-11

Position: Point Guard/Shooting Guard

High School: Cumberland Valley (PA)

Graduation Class: 2025

AAU Club: Central PA Elite

GPA: 4.0

Status: Uncommitted

Sienna Manns is a 5-11 Combo Guard from Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. She's a sophomore at Cumberland Valley High School, and runs with Central PA Elite on the AAU circuit. Manns is also a standout soccer player for the Eagles and her travel soccer program, Keystone FC. I was referred to Manns by RPN alum and Gettysburg freshman, Dejah Hill and 2025 prospect, Olivia Jones.

One of the things that intrigues me about her is the ability to pay attention to details. And, it doesn't have to be going out and scoring 20 points on a lot of shots, but it's the little things that a true basketball fan notices. Being able to defend at a high level, one of the smartest kids on and off the court and has grown confident as a main guard, Manns is a prospect whose game is a work of art. And, I've only ever heard great things about her, so I'm excited to see how much her game matures as a sophomore!

In the meantime, I caught up with the 2025 prospect in an interview on her freshman campaign, soccer adventures, the switch to CPE and preparation for year two. She provided a lot of thoughtful answers!


Sienna Manns Interview

When did you start playing basketball?

"Around 2016, I started playing CVYBA rec basketball."

You’re also a two-sport athlete, and in-season on the field. If you don’t mind sharing, how did you get your start in soccer?

"When I moved to Pennsylvania my mom enrolled my sisters, and I into HMMS rec soccer about 8 years ago. And from then on I continued to play."

Describe how you are as a player from the skill standpoint?

"I take pride in playing solid defense. For soccer, I play a defensive position and for basketball, I usually have the task of guarding one of the better guards from the opposing team. I try to be smarter than my opponent on the court and field by taking advantage of opportunities from an intellectual standpoint. But, I think that my speed has always been an x-factor because most teams are surprised by my length and speed."

How was your freshman season?

"As a lot of people know, CV is a highly competitive atmosphere because there are so many great athletes. So, my freshman year, I was more than willing to work hard and put the time in to develop my skillset and then maybe make varsity my sophomore year for both sports. However, when I made the varsity team for both sports as a freshman, I accepted the challenge, yet it was at times intimidating and stressful. Eventually, I found myself as a starting player for both sports and had to play at the highest level against Division 1 recruits, at the age of only 14. Individually, I didn’t really set any goals in terms of statistics because I didn’t want that type of pressure. However, I was really focused on helping the team be successful by my play. Overall, my freshman season was a very good experience. It challenged me a lot and allowed me to play at a high level, and made me a much better player moving forward for the next 3 years."

How was travel soccer this offseason?

"I loved it! We were one of the best teams in the state. We were extremely competitive in tournaments around the country, and there’s nothing like playing against highly competitive opponents. It also doesn’t hurt that I have wonderful teammates to play with."

You made the switch to CPE this year for the circuit. But in your own words, how was summer basketball and being under coach Miranda Nixon.

"When I first tried out for CPE’s Alyssa Thomas Elite Team, I was a little nervous because it’s a new program to me. And, I didn’t really know Coach Miranda (Nixon) at the time, but I knew the players and I knew that I would be on a really good team with solid chemistry. As our team began to gel, Coach Miranda helped us develop our strengths and remove our weaknesses individually and as a team. She is a great coach who is very flexible for dual-sport athletes. She was always pushing us, even when at times we were short-handed with players at practice. What was really impressive was for the most part we played with a 7-person roster, and Miranda was able to coach us successfully throughout the season."

You’re still at a very early stage of your career. What kinds of things are you doing to make yourself the best player you can be?

"I run almost everyday to keep up my stamina and get faster. I go to open gyms and strength training for basketball, ran by CV’s girls basketball head coach, Coach Wolf (Bill Wolf) and assistant coach, Coach James Poole. I also go to strength and mobility classes that are run by CV’s Coach K (Dani Kepner). Lastly, my dad and I sometimes go outside and work on quickness, handles, and shooting. For soccer, I did strength training and kicks-arounds with my coach, George Gemberling. I also have frequent club soccer practices with my Coach Mike (Lamarca). And finally, I go out with other players on off-days to work on technique and strength without any coaches."

Which athlete do you look up to the most?

"There are so many great athletes, so I can’t say that I have a specific athlete that I’ve looked up to the most. There are just certain characteristics that I like and admire in some athletes, that are different than the characteristics that I like in others."

Who do you look up to as role models?

"Definitely my parents. They have supported me through everything and not only do they make me a better player, but they make me a better person. They’ve taught me so much, and they will not only point out, then correct something I could’ve done better in a game, but they will also support me and point out the things I did really well. Or, how I contributed to the team, without letting the mistakes I made get to my head."

As you’re now at the age where you’re starting to look for college opportunities, what do you ideally look for in a college?

"That’s kind of a hard question to answer. I think it would be a you know it, when you feel it type of situation. Although, I’ll probably want to go to a mid-sized to large-sized college that is strong in academics. But, hopefully has a coaching staff that cares about both their players development on and off the playing field, as well as the team's record."

It is still very early, but what are you looking forward to in your sophomore season?

"Now that I have a year under my belt, I think that it’s important for me to take on a more leadership role for both teams. With the amount of talent CV has this year for both soccer and basketball, I really do expect a high level of success individually and as a team. I am looking forward to growing and improving my skill sets to eventually grab the attention of college coaches. And, if nothing else, hopefully it will be special to play with my sister who plays on the varsity soccer team as a junior."

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me this morning. Do you have any words of encouragement or motivation for people? Any last words?

"Don’t let pressure or people get to you and effect you in a negative way. Don’t back down from a challenge, even if you think you might lose. Because in the end, that challenge will only make you a better player, and you might surprise yourself with what you are actually capable of doing."

Sienna Manns Freshman Season Highlights (2021-2022)

Media Links on Sienna Manns

Twitter @SiennaManns

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AAU Coach Information

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