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The Olivia Jones Interview (Lemoyne, PA)

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

Nashon Walker | Rise Sports HD |

Brought back a special guest today.

Yes, it is you know who, you see her face everywhere. But like me, we have all been wondering, what has Olivia Jones been up to since school ball?

Well, hopefully this answers it for you.

I caught up with the Cedar Cliff standout on her freshman campaign, life after the season and returning to the Philadelphia Belles this summer.

Jones averaged 13.6 points, 9.5 rebounds, 3.3 assists and 2.5 steals per game to help lead the Colts to a historical 29-2 record, Mid Penn Championship and final four appearances in the District 3 and PIAA 6A tournament.

Jones‘ freshman season accolades:

  • Mid-Penn Keystone All-Conference (First-Team)

  • PennLive’s 2022 Big15 team (First-team)

  • PennLive’s 2022 Rookie of the Year

  • Carlisle Sentinel’s 2022 Player of the Year

  • PA Sportswriter’s 2021-2022 6A All-State selection (Second-team)

Check out the interview below.


Olivia Jones Interview

Orose! Welcome back, how's everything been lately?

  • “Everything has been pretty good lately! AAU has been going well. I love my team and my coaches, and we are playing super well together. After the season, I really started focusing on my strength and conditioning and working on my shooting so that’s what I have been doing recently. After the season, school felt a little weird at first without having basketball to go to everyday, but I settled in and adjusted. We are wrapping up the end of the school year with Keystones and Finals, so school is a little hectic right now. But other than that, school has been great so far this year, and I have done well in all my classes.”

How has your first-year experience been at Cedar Cliff?

  • “My first year experience at Cedar Cliff has been nothing short of great. Academically, I have been working super hard, and I am projected as 5th out of 348 students in the freshman class. My academic schedule at Cedar Cliff is the perfect fit for my everyday life. I have a blended schedule where I go in and do my main classes in-person, then I leave mid-day, and complete my online elective courses and also go to a workout depending on the day. This personalized scheduling opportunity at Cedar Cliff allows me to manage my time and prioritize my work each week. The flexibility that it provides has also helped me improve my game a significant amount. I feel that I have the best opportunity for learning, and also an amazing social environment at Cedar Cliff with the in-person classes. Everyone that I have met has been super nice and have been just all around good people. The basketball aspect of Cedar Cliff was also nothing short of amazing. As you know, we had an incredible year. The fan and community support was unreal for girls basketball. Obviously, we hope to experience the same level of success next season!”

If I do recall, this is your first year at a public school being a private school kid most of your life. In your best words, what are similarities and differences that you've noticed between public and private?

  • “Yes, I went to Saint Theresa from Kindergarten until 8 grade, so this is my first year of public school. Some differences between public school and private would definitely be the workload. At private school, there were definitely very few nights where I didn’t have homework, and this year we do a lot of our ‘homework’ in school. So that was a change. Another difference would be wearing uniforms at private school all my life, and this year I was able to choose what I wanted to wear, which I really enjoyed a lot. A similarity of public school and private school would probably be the teachers. I loved my teachers at private school, and I love my teachers at public school. They are all great teachers, and I have very close relationships with them all. Another similarity of private school and public school would be the students. They are all very welcoming and friendly which was the same at private school.”

Now let’s get to the stuff that everybody wants to read. You had an amazing freshman season exceeding expectations as an individual, and pushing Cedar Cliff to new heights. How was your rookie season from your perspective?

  • “I think I had a decent rookie season. None of it would have been possible without every single girl on the team including the JV girls who played defense on us in practice. This prepared us for postseason play. As a team, we went 29 and 2, and our first loss was to the District 3 6A Champions and second loss was to the Pennsylvania 6A State Champions. I think overall we had a very good season, and we hope to continue this into next season. Coach (Scott) Weyant prepared us thoroughly for every single game offensively and defensively, and he was a great coach which led to a well deserved Sentinel Coach of the Year. I was happy with my stats and averages for the season as I think they demonstrate how I try to affect the game in more than just one way. Scoring is often the top thing looked at by most people. I get that it is crucial for winning games, but I enjoy the hard work of rebounding or making an assist to my teammates for them to score. Some of the accolades I have received this year included Sentinel Player of the Year, Pennlive Rookie of the Year, Pennlive’s Big 15 First Team Selection, and Pennsylvania All State 2nd Team in 6A.”

Furthering that question, Cedar Cliff checked the boxes this year. Playing with a chip on y’all shoulder, high level performances but most importantly, staying unified and unselfish through it all. For those who don’t know, how is Cedar Cliff’s culture and why did you decide to join the Lady Colts program?

  • “Cedar Cliff’s culture is best described as a family. One of the main reasons we made it as far as we did was because of our team chemistry and unselfishness. Every single player on our team played their role and no matter what, we were happy for each other through everything. We remained unified through all of the hard times and we ‘weathered the storm’ as Coach Weyant would say. This year really showed how well our team worked together, and that truly is how we did so well. Most of the girls on the team have played together since we were younger. Getting to play with each other this year was such a fun experience because we treated each other like sisters.”

Your pops, Dwayne, decided to join you this past season on the sidelines as an assistant coach. How was the experience of your dad being an assistant and his impact for you and your team on the successful run?

  • “The opportunity of having my dad as an assistant coach really was a special experience. He was always there when I came off the floor, and he gave me feedback and encouragement of what to do when I went back in. He played a huge role in how I did this season, especially on defense and rebounding, and having him at practice and on the bench just made my first year experience that much better!”

For the circuit season, you decided to go back to the Philadelphia Belles. We all know things happened over time that won’t be discussed. But for those who don’t know, why did you decided to return to the Belles?

  • “Last season, I played on the Belles 17U team. Most of those teammates moved on because as a senior, you do not play AAU if you are committed to a college. But, I decided to play with the Philly Belles program again this year because I felt that this was the best competitive experience for me as an individual to continue to grow my game. Also, I already had a great relationship with the coaches, and in regards to my teammates for this season, I was really excited to play with this particular group of girls. My 17U team practiced with them last year so I had a pretty good relationship with many of them already. And, the Belles experience had prepared me very well last year before going into the freshman season. Mike Flynn, the owner of the Philly Belles, has also been nothing but an amazing coach and mentor for me. He has really helped me take my game to the next level. He has created a number of opportunities for me, and I couldn’t be more thankful for him.”

Andrea Peterson, who’s also the Neumann-Goretti head coach, was one of the main factors in you returning to the Belles. Describe her influence on you as a person and a player throughout your basketball journey?

  • “Coach Petey has had a huge influence on me not only as a player, but also as a person. She has been an amazing coach from day 1, and has played a big role in developing me into the player I am today. Coach Petey has given me a lot of confidence, and instilled a lot of trust in me over the past year and a half. We have created a great relationship, and she is the coach that everyone wants to play for. Her 2 assistants that help coach the Belles team are also great coaches. Coach Riley (Maye) has been so helpful in teaching me new ways to improve my game, Coach Blase (DeMichele) has been so encouraging since I first started with the Belles. This year, Coach Jon (Dunn) has given me a good laugh every game and practice. They all treat us like we are their own kids, and they want nothing but the best for all of us. They have all had a huge influence on me and my basketball journey and will continue to throughout my career. I am so appreciative for all they have done for me.”

But throughout the spring and entering the summer, how’s your college recruitment been?

  • “My college recruitment process has been pretty good. I have had quite a few phone calls, and I have received a couple letters from different colleges. I also have somes colleges that want me to come visit, and or go to their elite camps. As you know, it is hard to fit the visits, and camps into my AAU schedule.”

Being at the early stage of recruiting, what do you look for in a college?

  • “I look for a couple things in colleges. The first thing would definitely be the academics, and what majors they offer. I want to know if the school has good programs, and how well the school is known for their education and the graduation rate for its students and especially student athletes. The feel of a college will be important too, as I begin to visit more campuses. As far as basketball and what I look for, I would definitely say that I look for a family type environment where everyone is close. I also look for a college where everyone works together, and makes each other better players as well as better people. Socially, I just look for a caring, supportive and welcoming environment.”

Besides basketball, what are some things that you're looking forward to this summer?

  • “AAU basketball basically runs through the last week of July, so I plan on maybe going to the beach in the first two weeks of August. Soccer starts mid-August so I have a short time period for other trips. My AAU tournaments are considered my vacations. This summer we are traveling to Indiana, Chicago, and Virginia so I am very excited to visit these places again!”

Are you planning to step on the field again for CC’s soccer program?

  • “Yes, I am planning to play soccer again next year. Taylor Ferraro, one of my closest friends, is an amazing soccer player so I am really playing for her! I also love the coach, but I am excited for Taylor and to see where soccer takes her!”

Editor: Was that a sneak peak at a- no what, nevermind, find out later though 👀

I know it’s still very early, but what are you looking forward to sophomore year?

  • “For my sophomore year I am looking forward to playing with my best friends again. I am excited to play another year with most of the same girls again, and see what we can do. I wanna go all the way next year.”

Thank you for joining me once again Olivia, much appreciated. Last but not least, do you have any new words of encouragement or motivation for people? Any last words?

  • “Of course! This was super fun, and I just wanted to say thank you so much for all you have done for me. Some words of encouragement would just be to never stop working and to never be satisfied. Always seek to be great, and anything you put your mind to, you can do.”

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