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The Janye Stanley Interview (Harrisburg, PA)

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

Name: Janye Stanley

Height: 6-4

Position: Shooting Guard/Point Guard

High School: Hillcrest Prep (AZ)

Graduation Class: 2023

GPA: 4.1

Offers: Clarion

Status: Uncommitted

I brought back a notable face of the RPN this morning.

Coming off a strong senior season in which he dropped 19.6 points, 6.2 rebounds and 3.5 assists per game for the Harrisburg Cougars, I caught up with Janye Stanley in an interview on his high school experience, senior season of basketball and decision to attend prep school at the post-grad level.

Stanley will be enrolling into Hillcrest Prep on August 28.


Janye Stanley Interview

Welcome back Janye, how's everything been lately?

  • "Everything has been good. Just been training getting ready for the season."

For those that don’t know, going back in time, when did you first start playing basketball?

  • "I picked up at basketball at like 5 or 6 years old, but I didn’t start playing 'till about 8-9 years old. I never took basketball seriously until 2020. Growing up was mainly practicing for baseball, but I just played basketball for fun when I was younger."

How would you describe your time at SciTech High School?

  • "My time at SciTech was decent. It's a really good school academically, and will definitely get you ready for college. As far as the social part, my freshman year I made friends but as a got older my circle got smaller, so I didn’t have a lot of friends but it was coo there. I stayed in my own lane for the most part."

Now getting down to an important question, how was your senior year of high school?

  • "My senior year was okay. I was mainly just figuring out what I wanted to do, and loved to do. Off the court, my senior year was chill. It was mainly just school and chillin' at home by myself. My mom got a new traveling job, so she’s not really home sometimes, and I had to do a lot of time management and do things by myself. I saw who my real friends were, and was mainly just to myself and staying focused. On the court, is was a lot if we are being honest, and it didn’t end the way I wanted it to go. Individually I did good, but I wanted to win as a team but we didn’t get the job done. With me being the best on the team, I put a lot of pressure on myself and kind of blame me for the way things went this season. But I just kept working, looked at the bigger picture ,and tried not to focus on the bad things but the good things that happened this season."

Taking the post-grad route isn’t no walk in the park. It’ll be a crucial time to lock in, and prepare yourself for the grand stage of college. But why did you decide to choose Hillcrest Prep to continue your student athlete career at the prep level?

  • "Well for me, I thought that was the best option for me especially once I started to get interest from colleges. I knew that it would definitely help me, and get me ready for the next level. Hillcrest was the most interested in me, and they liked my game. They get a lot of exposure and play against the top teams in the country, so it’s a national schedule over there and I love it."

And, the move to Arizona will definitely be a change in scenery. Warmer weather, desert life and being 3-hrs behind compared to the east coast, how do you think you’ll adjust to the heat and culture change of the west coast?

  • "Moving to Arizona, it's going to be cool for me *laughs*. I got family out there, so I think I’ll adjust to it fast except for the heat, but I’ll be ok. As far as the basketball part, I think I’ll adjust good to the west coast part of basketball. A lot of talent out there, but I can’t wait to just compete with the best of the best. With the mindset I have, I feel like I’m going to be fine, but it’s definitely going to be different living out there though."

How did the summer basketball period go?

  • "AAU was fun for me I gained a lot of interest and talked to college coaches. I've talked to a few schools at all levels, and I Just went to a clarion camp as well. So this summer was good for me. Playing for Driven From Within was fun and I’m going to miss playing for them. Summer hoops is fun, and I love it because it’s just straight basketball and working out. So summer hoops is definitely my favorite."

As you’re now at the chapter where you’re starting to look for college opportunities, what do you ideally look for in a college?

  • "I mainly look for a school that is the most interested in me and that feels like home. I want to go somewhere that fits my play style, and will treat me like family. As far as the social scene, I want to go somewhere that is known for having a great fan base because i like playing in those type of environments where everything is loud. Academically, I want to major in journalism and real estate. But as long as the schools are good academically, then that’s all that matters to me."

I know you depart soon, but what are you looking forward to in your post-grad season?

  • "I am most looking forward to meeting and playing with new people. I can’t wait to just be in a different environment to play with and against some of the top competition. I am also looking forward to getting better and add more things to my game, and obviously pick where I am going to play at in college for the future!"

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me as always Mr. Stanley. Do you have any words of encouragement or motivation for people? Any last words?

  • "Be yourself and don’t worry about the social media part of basketball because that doesn’t really matter. Stay off the media, and stay in the gym. Also, never post your moves, or what you are doing, and stay in your own lane and stay focused. Thank you my guy!"

Janye Stanley - Summer 2022 AAU Highlights (Driven From Within)

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1 Comment

big head
big head
Aug 25, 2022

Proud of this young man too. Watched him go up against my son Ashton. Looking forward to the match up this senior year 💜

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