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The Jaden Wan Interview (Newtown, PA)

Name: Jaden Wan

Height: 5-11

Position: Power Forward

High School: Council Rock North (PA)

Graduation Class: 2023

AAU Club: Mid Atlantic Magic

GPA: 4.4

Status: Uncommitted

Jaden Wan is a 5-11 Power Forward from Newtown, Pennsylvania, approximately 30 miles north of Philadelphia. She's currently a junior at Council Rock North High School. Also, fun fact about her is that her dog's name is Draymond, named after the Golden State Warriors' star forward, Draymond Green. I don't know why but that puts a smile on my face *laughs*. Wan has foregone her circuit season with the Mid Atlantic Magic because of recurring injuries suffered throughout her junior season. But the purpose of my platform is to aspire, and I wanted to keep Wan's name alive and well throughout her basketball journey. I caught up with the Taiwanese prospect on her shortened junior season, rehabilitation, the college search and preparation for senior year. Check it out below.


Jaden Wan Interview

When did you start playing basketball?

"I started playing in 3rd grade, so for 9 years now. I had a really unique experience because I started playing when I lived in Belgium for a couple years, so as a 3rd grader I played with 4th-6th graders internationally."

Describe how you are as a player from the skill standpoint?

"From a skill standpoint, I love to be physical and use my body to get big in the low post, finishing in the paint with my hook shot and other spin moves. Moreover, I am good at rebounding the ball, especially on the offensive end where I get many putbacks. I also believe that I am a great 3 point shooter as well, since this high school season, though limited, I have translated my practice into games by shooting 45% at the 3 point line. Overall, I am a calm, level-headed player who knows how to face adversity and tough situations."

How was your junior season?

"My junior season was very limited as I was coming into the season with another re-injury in the fall of 2021 during open gyms due to my previous knee injury sophomore year. I rehabbed and tried playing but only got to play a few games this season before re-injuring and having to have surgery in February 2022. Despite this, I had major improvements in my shooting game this season but as a collective we have lots of work to do."

You’ve had setbacks this year, and won’t be allowed to play during the live period come this summer. How have you been processing the injury, rehabilitation and what are the next steps moving forward?

"There have been many ups and downs with basketball, and injury has played a major role. I was very disappointed that I had to end my junior season early and miss my final AAU season, which is a crucial part for college recruitment. However, I think it was for the best because I needed the surgery for MPFL reconstruction, since the ligament was torn multiple times and wouldn’t return to normal to perform its job in keeping my patella in place. I look forward to a full recovery in August and am excited for my senior high school season. I have been slowly making progress through my recovery as physical therapy has been a large part of getting back on the court. I have seen improvements over the months I have been doing it like gaining full flexibility and jumping, becoming more active everyday. It’s hard, but I work constantly to become 110%; stronger than before because I will be able to continue to strengthen my leg without any interruptions like this past year or two."

You’re still at a very early stage of your career. What kinds of things are you doing to make yourself the best player you can be?

"Well, first things are to continue strengthening my leg and transitioning to the court. I go to physical therapy 3 times a week, but I do my exercises everyday at home or at the gym. Also, I have been going a few times a week to go to the gym to shoot around and work out, getting more active with some jumping but no running yet."

Even with you sitting out this AAU season, how’s your college recruitment been?

"Through my recruitment process, I have been emailing, texting, speaking, and visiting with mostly elite academic D3 schools. It’s tough with not gaining that exposure through AAU, but I’ve had many colleges reach out for calls and hopefully I will be able to demonstrate my abilities in the fall."

Furthering that question, let’s hear it from you, what do you ideally look for in a college?

"I look for strong academics and athletics because I believe that having the best education is important, especially when I want to pursue a career in the medical field. For athletics, I want to also play in college because I love competing. I hope to find an inclusive, diverse environment that has a team culture that values each player and their academics."

What are your plans for this summer?

"Over the summer, I will continue to work hard to get back and recover fully. With not being able to play AAU, I have found other opportunities like volunteering at hospitals and getting certified as an EMT that will help me gain clinical exposure."

Which athlete do you look up to the most?

"The athlete I look up to the most is my brother, Hunter, who plays D3 college basketball. He was the one who taught me and introduced me to basketball. I admire how hard he works, playing basketball while pursuing a career in medicine, which inspires me."

Who do you look up to as role models?

"My role models are my parents because they have worked hard to provide for me and my brother, while also providing us with opportunities, especially when my mom immigrated from Taiwan. I appreciate the time they put in for their work and for pushing my brother and I to pursue our passions on and off the court."

I know it is still very early, but what are you looking forward to in your senior season?

"I look forward to playing a full season with no injuries and just simply enjoying playing with my teammates. I am also looking forward to growing as a player and competing with my team to have the best season yet."

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me this morning. Do you have any words of encouragement or motivation for people? Any last words?

"Do not let anyone or even yourself stop you from achieving greatness. Push through adversity and you will learn more about yourself and come out stronger. Overall, remember to keep a positive, growth mindset because tough people last, not the tough times."

Jaden Wan - Council Rock North '23 - Fall 2021 Highlights

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