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Player Profile: Zac Dunn (Oklahoma City, OK)

Name: Zac Dunn

Height: 6'4

Position: Shooting Guard

High School: The Casady School, Class of 2023

AAU Club: Team Run OKC

GPA: 4.1

Status: Uncommitted

Hobbies outside of basketball: Hanging out with friends, playing golf and watching YouTube.

Expectations for the rest of your sophomore season: "Sophomore season started off slow for me, but we had one of our key guys down so my role has completely changed on my team. I'm just looking to be aggressive offensively, make the right plays and win games with my guys."


Zac Dunn is a 6'4 Shooting Guard from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He currently attends the Casady School and runs with Team Run OKC on the AAU circuit. Zac is one of the smoothest shooters I've seen since I started this blog. The young man drains the three ball with accuracy and always makes the right play. Being enrolled at the prestigious Casady School, Zac is challenged on and off the court as the school is known for it's academic excellence and high competition in athletics. He's currently averaging 10 pints per game in his sophomore season through 6 games, but has been on a tear lately averaging 19.5 ppg through his last three.. Zac is evolving fast in the basketball world and having a stellar AAU season during the pandemic, he is starting to grab recruiters attention through his elite shooting ability. Here is my breakdown of the Oklahoma shooter!




  • College ready prospect - A true shooting guard at any level.

  • Elite Shooting Ability

  • Fluid release on his shot - Excellent form

  • Has a great feel for the game

  • High IQ Guard

  • Knockdown Shooter

  • Mid Range Game

  • Moves without the basketball

  • Volume Shooter

This is pretty straight forward, the young man can shoot. Plain and simple. Zac has a great feel for the game and he's always shot ready. He is a knockdown shooter who has no regards to a defender's life as he buries the trey ball with accuracy. If you leave this man open, it will be a long night for you. Zac can create for himself through his mid range game when facing tenacious defenders as he smoothly pulls up in the middle of the paint. Zac does an excellent job of moving without the basketball and you rarely see that from young players. Zac is in a great position to succeed playing with the Casady Cyclones and the best is yet to come.


  • Being aggressive with the ball

  • Getting stronger

  • Physicality

Every young player has things to work on moving forwards. At his age Zac can shoot the ball pretty well, but expanding his game is a key for him. Being more aggressive with the ball in terms of scoring is crucial for Zac. He has all the tools in the world and can shoot the lights out. Taking more opportunities to shoot and not pass off shots will help his game tremendously. Also, getting stronger and being more physical on the court will help the young guard out!

I believe that Zac will be on the radar for college coaches in his recruitment. He's a hard working player and an even better person. At the Casady School, Zac is playing alongside PJ Johnson (2021 Guard, Emporia State Commit), DJ Freeman (2021 Forward, Division 1 recruit), Jackson Kennedy (2021 Guard), Stephen Okenge (2022 Guard), Cruz Uhland (2021 Forward) and other members of the Cyclones basketball team. I asked Zac several questions so y'all can get to know him better.

Interview is below ↓



When did you first start playing basketball?

  • "I have always loved playing sports since a young age, but basketball really stuck out to me as my favorite. It was my dad and brother’s favorite sport, and growing up I would watch them shoot on our hoop outside. Since then, I always loved having a basketball in my hands whether it was just getting shots up, or playing in an actual game."

Describe your game.

  • "I’m a shooter, so you can’t give me any space when I catch the ball. However, I also do a good job at being able to put the ball on the deck whenever people run out on me. I can score at all three levels, and on the defensive end I try and use my length to create advantages for myself, whether it’s deflecting passes or rebounding the ball."

What is your role on Casady’s basketball team?

  • "My role on my high school team is starting to evolve. I have been a starter throughout the year, but we had one of our key guys who was a leading scorer for us go down, and it is likely he will be out for the season. So, I’ve had to step up more on the offensive end, and be more aggressive attacking the basket and scoring. The situation has improved my confidence, and it will help me prepare for my Junior season where I will be the main producer on the offensive end."

How has your experience been at the Casady School so far?

  • "Casady has been a great school for me. It challenges me academically, and I have gotten a lot more opportunities on the basketball team then I would have if I went to a larger school. I got to play a lot on the varsity team as a freshman, and I think that helped me be more confident this year. We play a competitive schedule, and it’s been a great experience so far."

Oklahoma hoopers have a pretty good reputation for three point shooters. Describe your basketball training and how you prepare yourself to compete at a high level.

  • "I get up shots every single day of the week. In the offseason, I wake up around 6 in the morning at least three or four days a week, so I can get in training before school. Whether it’s working on ball handling, shooting, or attacking moves. During the season it looks a bit different. Considering we play so many games and practices in only a three month span, I don’t usually get up before school too much, and I try to work on making sure my body is healthy at all times. However, I make sure and stay after practice for at least an hour and make usually around 200-250 threes before I leave. On top of that, I make sure and work with my trainers around 1-2 times a week to make sure I’m staying in shape, and adding new things to my game."

Who do you look up to as role models?

  • "My biggest role models are my parents. They have done so much for our family, and have provided a great life for me. They both work very hard throughout the week, and they’re constantly supporting me throughout everything."

What do you look for in a college?

  • "My goal has always been to play Division 1 basketball, however I know that all three levels have great players and are very competitive. The environment of the school doesn’t mean too much to me considering I feel that I can adapt to about any place I go to. But I want to make sure that I go to a school that will provide great academics. That’s why conferences like the Patriot League, and the Ivy League have always interested me on the division 1 level."

How was the preseason for you?

  • "My preseason was weird just because COVID played a role in about everything I could do. However I was still able to attend some good camps. I went to the Pangos all Frosh/Soph camp in Dallas and it was a great experience. It was a great opportunity to go up against some top talent in my region, and see where my game is at compared to other great players in my class. I also went to the Prep Hoops 250 expo in Oklahoma City. That was fun just to be able to play against other guys in my area, and showcase my talent."

What are your expectations for the rest of your sophomore season?

  • "I just want to keep being aggressive, and put up more great numbers. It sucks that our conference tournament got canceled as of right now, but as a team we are still going to go out there and compete every single game. I want to go undefeated in our conference games, and create some good momentum going into the AAU/Summer circuit."

What is one message of encouragement or motivation that you have for people out there?

  • "I would just tell everyone to go out and work as hard as you can at what you want to do, and be the most hardworking guy on your team. But, remember to have fun at the same time. Basketball is a game at the end of the day, and you should have fun when you step out on that court and play each game."

2020 - 2021 Casady School Cyclones Basketball team.

Zac Dunn, Casady School Class of 2023



High School Coach Information:

Matt McLeod - Email

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