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Player Profile: Nevaeh Zavala (Sulphur Springs, TX)

Updated: Jan 24, 2022

Name: Nevaeh Zavala

Height: 6 Feet

Position: Small Forward/Power Forward

High School: Royse City (TX)

Graduation Class: 2022

AAU Club: DC Queens Basketball

GPA: 3.4

Offers: High Point and Kennesaw State

Status: COMMITTED - High Point (11/10/2021)

Favorite Hobbies outside of basketball: Drawing, playing volleyball and hanging out with friends.

Expectations heading into senior year: "Getting scholarship opportunities and finding the right academic program for me heading into college!"

Nevaeh Zavala is a 6 foot Small Forward from Sulphur Springs, Texas. She is a rising senior at Royse City High School and runs with DC Queens Basketball Club on the AAU circuit. Zavala originally attended Rowlett High School before transferring to Plano East. Zavala is an athletic combo player who has a smooth demeanor scoring the ball inside while showing signs of being a knockdown shooter. She's also a multi-sport athlete as she's a very outstanding volleyball player. You should see her hops, they are out of this world. Let's get to know more about Nevaeh Zavala!




  • All-Around defender who can guard all five positions.

  • Athletic Forward

  • Big Guard Status

  • Can score at all three levels.

  • Catch and shoot ability is on point.

  • Lob Threat

  • Strong Inside Game

  • Strong Mid Range Game

  • Versatile player with a lot of upside.

Nevaeh Zavala is a product in the making. Zavala is a versatile player who can score at all three levels and guard all five positions on defense. Standing at 6 feet with a long frame, she uses her advantage to score in the paint while stepping out to the perimeter. She's an excellent catch and shoot specialist who goes straight up and down on her jumpshot. On the defensive end, Zavala is pretty solid as she's active blocking shots and reading the passing lane well to get a steal off the ball. My favorite thing about Zavala is not that she's a volleyball player, but her vertical is amazing as she's used to catching lob passes in the open floor. I'm telling you once she gets her confidence down and increases her hops even more, she's going to dunk one day. Hopefully!


  • Finding Consistency

  • Having composure/not working herself up

  • Reading the game better

Nevaeh Zavala is a very skilled athlete, but she has some things to work in order to complete her game. Finding consistency is huge for Zavala. Zavala was brand new to Plano East last year. From being a standout at Rowlett to being at a brand new school, learning a brand new basketball system and surrounding herself around new people, Zavala had to adjust quick, It wasn't easy for her as she wasn't playing as much her junior season as she did as a sophomore at Rowlett. Zavala should be able to gain back her confidence on the court as she'll be more accustomed to Plano East's system and finding her role senior year. Also, Zavala tends to get in her head as she's very hard on herself. Being hard on yourself isn't a bad thing, but when it takes a toll on you it can cause problems especially as an athlete. If Zavala can stop being so hard on herself at times, the game will come easier to her as she'll be able to read the game better and just does what she does and HOOP!

Below is my interview with Nevaeh Zavala.



When did you start playing basketball?

  • "I started playing basketball in the 3rd grade for a little church league."

Describe your game.

  • "I would describe my game as being one of a fast pace. I like to be loud and communicate with my teammates throughout the game. I’m a very verbal player who calls for the ball when open, I will sometimes talk some trash, and I like to be aggressive. But on the other side of that I get in my own head very easy. I feel as if I’m my hardest critic and that sometimes shuts my whole game down, but it is something I am working on improving. By staying out of my head and telling myself that “I got this” and to shake off my mistakes."

Describe the experience of transferring from Rowlett to Plano East.

  • "My experience with transferring my junior year from Rowlett to Plano East school wise was pretty different. That’s mostly because of the whole online thing though. At the beginning of my junior year I tried to attend school like how I normally would but I soon realized that it wasn’t really normal. My classes only had around 3-4 kids in it and everyone was separated across the rooms and I didn’t like it. So I made the decision to just do online classes the rest of the year and I would definitely say I enjoyed that better because I could do what I wanted, needed too on top of my classes and school work."

What is your role on Plano East’s basketball team?

  • "I would say my role on Plano East’s basketball team is to just try and fit in. Coming into a new school with a team that already had pretty good players all I could do was try and find where I fit on the team. Towards the end of the season I realized my role on the team was to just be there for my teammates, be more of a practice player, and to accept the fact that I was more of a bench presence then a court presence."

How was your junior basketball season?

  • "My junior season started off great. I was getting good playing time at first, getting to know the girls better, and I felt like I belonged. Of course things were different though with the pandemic going on people were playing in masks (or at least trying too) and the fans were very limited. So it was a whole new atmosphere. When district begin Plano East’s success was great and the outlook for playoffs was even better. We went 14-0 through district and reclaimed the title of city champs and brought it back to the Eastside. Straight out the gate for playoffs we were on a great run but sadly lost out 5th round. Overall to me this was my worst season when it comes to the sport of basketball. I barely played in any games, had no confidence in myself, and towards the end I just began to except it, which wasn’t good for me mentally. I finished the season with an honorable mention award."

Being a multi-sport athlete life can get pretty busy. Describe what it means to be able to be involved in many sports, the time and preparation that comes with it.

  • "Being a multi sport athlete isn’t for everyone let me start with that. There were days were I was running from basketball that was 6-8 straight to volleyball practice which was 7:30-9:30, at least twice a week. You just have to have the right mindset when doing things like that. I would always think about my future and why I’m working so hard in the gyms. Volleyball was also a great help when it came to basketball especially with jumping. It helped me to increase my vertical which is something I’m still working on today. Playing two sports also means you will need recovery time, I would do things like cryotherapy and ice baths to help relieve some muscle pain. Over the course of both sports I have made many new friends along the way. I met my two best friends at my very first volleyball practice in 8th grade and I’m so glad I got to meet them."

What are your plans for the Summer?

  • "My plans for the summer is to keep going in AAU. I’m still playing with the DC Queens and we plan on going to two tournaments in Kentucky and one in Louisiana in July."

Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

  • "I would rather trade looks for intelligence because in this world it seems as if the smartest people are the most successful."

You’re still at a very early stage of your career. What kinds of things are you doing to make yourself the best player you can be?

  • "The main thing I do to try and be the best player I can be is to try and get in the gym when I can or stay after practice to get more shots up."

Which athlete do you look up to the most?

  • "I know it might sound crazy but when it comes to what athlete I look up to the most I feel as if I don’t really have a specific person."

Who do you look up to as a role models?

  • "The main people I probably look up the most too is both of my parents they have shown me that with hard work and persistence you can get what you want in life. Another person is my AAU coach, coach La’sha. She really believes in me and pushes me to be better everyday because she knows I can be."

It’s still very early, but what are you looking forward to in your senior season?

  • "Some things I’m looking forward too in my senior season is that Plano East is getting a new head coach and I hope that goes well for us as a team and helps us get father. I also am working on getting some scholarship offers this summer and going into my senior year. I am trying to become an orthodontist and dental assistant when I get older so hopefully one of the schools will have a dental program to help me reach that goal."

Do you have any words of encouragement or motivation for people?

  • "Some words of encouragement I have for others is to always believe in yourself no matter who says otherwise. One person does not determine who you are and what you can do in life."


HUDL - Sophomore Season Highlights (2019-2020)



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