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Player Profile: Mackenzie Wright-Rawls (York, PA)

Updated: Jan 8, 2023

Name: Mackenzie Wright-Rawls

Height: 6 Feet

Position: Power Forward

School: Central York (PA)

Graduation Class: 2023

AAU Team: Spooky Nook

GPA: 4.0

Status: COMMITTED - NJIT (10/1/22)

Mackenzie Wright-Rawls is a 6 foot Power Forward from York, Pennsylvania. She's a rising junior at Central York High School and runs with Spooky Nook on the AAU circuit. Wright-Rawls is establishing herself as an on-the-radar prospect in York County being named a YAIAA All-Star averaging 7.2 points, 8.4 rebounds, 2.9 assists and 2.4 steals and blocks per game while making a District championship appearance with the Panthers. Wright-Rawls is one of the smartest players in the area as the 4.0 comes in handy with her natural playmaking ability and great feel for the game. She's a very active defender, handles the ball really well for her size and gets to the basket at will when the opportunity is presented. The Panthers return the majority of the team back next season as Wright-Rawls will be looking to taking on a lead role for Central York alongside Bella Chimienti. Here is a bullet proof evaluation of Wright-Rawls followed by our interview.




  • Active rebounder on the glass.

  • Ball Handling

  • Elite Passer

  • Finishes well around the basket.

  • Has some shiftiness to her game.

  • High IQ Player

  • Plays with great pace.

  • Tenacious Shot Blocker

Things to improve on

  • Finishing efficiently around the basket.

  • Shooting



When did you start playing basketball?

  • "I started playing basketball when i was in kindergarten so about 5 years old."

Describe your game.

  • "I believe that I play a mostly unselfish play style. I try to figure out what my teammates are comfortable with so it’s easier to play with everyone."

How was your sophomore season?

  • "My sophomore season was tough to adjust to at first because we had to play with the masks on. Once I got used to the change though it went a lot like my previous season. I would have liked to get further and play more games, but overall I believe it was a good season."

What is your role on Central York’s basketball team?

  • "I think I have the role as a leader on the basketball team at Central. I like to coach on the court and I believe that even if I don’t score a lot in a game I could indirectly help someone score."

How has the live period been?

  • "For AAU I’m currently playing with Spooky Nook Lady Raiders. So far our summer has been pretty good and we’ve played tournaments at the Nook, but also in Philadelphia, Maryland, and Indiana."

You’re still at a very early stage of your career. What kinds of things are you doing to make yourself the best player you can be?

  • "Not only am I working on my game with myself, but also with other people. I’m working on executing things up that I need to improve and also working on things I’m already good at."

Which athlete do you look up to the most?

  • "When I was younger I looked up to Magic Johnson’s play style, which is one of the reasons why I picked the number 32."

Who do you look up to as a role model?

  • "I look up to my brother as a role model because he is the one that helped me improve my game the most and still does so now."

It’s still very early, but what are you looking forward to in your junior season?

  • "In my junior season, I am looking forward to preparing for my college career. I hope to have a successful junior season and focus on goals that will contribute towards my future."

Do you have any words of encouragement or motivation for people?

  • "A word of motivation I have is, 'Some things need a small push.' It wasn’t my decision to play basketball instead my mom pushed towards playing. Without that small push I wouldn’t have the same life that I have now and for that I am grateful."


GameTimePA names 2021 York-Adams girls' basketball all-stars, player of the year:

Mackenzie Wright-Rawls' Sophomore Season Highlights:

High School Coach Information

Scott Wisner

AAU Coach Information

Cosmo Chimienti

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