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Player Profile: Jordyn Bowers (Harrisburg, PA)

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

Name: Jordyn Bowers

Height: 6-4

Position: Shooting Guard

High School: Bishop McDevitt (PA)

Graduation Class: 2023

GPA: 3.0

Status: Uncommitted

Jordyn Bowers is a 6-4 Combo Guard from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He's currently a junior at Bishop McDevitt High School and runs with the TCBA Wolfpack on the AAU circuit. Bowers is also the younger brother of former Bishop McDevitt standout, QB1 star and current Gardner Webb Quarterback, Tayvon Bowers.

Bowers is a smooth prospect who's starting to find his niche with playing high level basketball, He's someone that doesn't have to speed up in his game as he lets everything come to him. You could say he's one of those, "Cool kids" *laughs*. But being a taller guard has it's advantages as Bowers is able to shoot over small defenders and provides a rebounding spark for any team he is on. But while I can sit here and talk about skill all day, Bowers is one of the kids that I praise more for their character.

I've had the chance to see Bowers grow in the past 10 years. From being that little skinny kid who was always active on some outside surface to being just as big as me nowadays, it's been a pleasure to see Bowers' growth and evolving into himself. It's even crazy as I grew up experiencing the early parts of his older brother's success story. Even playing my first year of midget football with Tayvon at Susquehanna, I will never forget the first pass ever thrown my way and it was a bullet. It slipped right through my hands *laughs*, but I knew then and there that Tayvon was going to be the ONE someday. But though I'm still high on Tayvon from knowing him for awhile, I believe that Jordyn will be able to create a story of his own. The progress he made from his sophomore to junior year was a huge improvement. From good character to being an even greater student in the classroom, Bowers has matured and is starting to understand his place in the world. But enough of me telling a life story. I have much respect for the Bowers, but let's get to know more about the youngest one!




Can score at all three levels.

  • "Bowers is an offensive talent. He's still growing into himself as a player, but he has shown flashes of scoring from all three levels when he's on. Shooting the three ball and putting it on the ground for an easy two, Bowers is developing into a solid player!"


  • "Being a taller guard, Bowers is able to play multiple positions on the court. Sometimes having to play a stretch four in a scholastic setting, Bowers does what he's asked and gives an all out effort. But when used right, Bowers has gained confidence within his guard skills and isn't too bad when he doesn't overthink his skillset."

Rebounding Ability

  • "Using his height and length to an advantage, Bowers excels at getting boards. I call him, "The Superman of Putbacks" as he's always in the right spot for the tip-in."

Shooting Ability

  • "When Bowers is on, don't expect him to miss much. Being a shooter of all form and constant rhythm, Bowers loves to shoot the three ball and has gained much confidence in his junior campaign."

Smooth scorer in the paint.

  • "For not having much of a muscular frame, Bowers still finds ways to score the ball. When you look at how he finishes the ball, you probably figured out that he plays a lot of 2k and watches Overtime videos *laughs*. But Bowers is as smooth as they come with highlight reel finishes. From crazy reverse finishes down the lane and also creating hangtime while finishing off the glass, Bowers is an entertaining player to watch!"

Things to Improve On

Decision Making

  • "Bowers will need to sharpen over the offseason is his decision making. With the man key being to not overthink. Whether that's on the offensive end or being defensively sound, Bowers will need to work on key concepts heading into senior season."

Defensive Principles

  • "Getting quicker on defense should be a must for Bowers. At times, he doesn't match up with bigger opponents due to his frame and is less advantaged. Working on agility and reviewing the defensive principles throughout his AAU season should be at the top of his list."

Game-Like Situations

  • "One of the biggest things I noticed this past season. Bowers at times shows inexperience throughout games. From baiting on the defensive end being in early foul trouble or taking too long to make a choice on offense, Bowers needs to work on making the right reeds and his reaction time. He's a very talented young player but once the brain meets the skill, there's so much potential that can be unlocked in him"


  • "I preach this to a lot of my players. In this case for Bowers, he will need to hit the weight room and do some outdoor work this offseason. From the shoulders and down, it's a must. He's a tall and lanky kid which helps in some cases. But facing bigger opponents and being a mismatch at times, Bowers will need to bulk up throughout these next 8 months. It will be crucial if he wants to make any adjustment to his game!"


Jordyn Bowers Interview

When did you start playing basketball?

  • "I started playing basketball back when I was 5 or 6 playing in the STYBA league until the end of elementary school. I also played for Brightbill up until I was old enough to play AAU. I played with some of my close friends until we got to at least 7th grade and played for different teams. But we eventually split up and teamed back up in high school."

Describe how you are as a player from the skill standpoint?

  • "I’d say I'm overlooked, but I pretty much can score at all three levels, handle the ball, and make plays to get my teammates involved. On the other side of the ball, I can grab rebounds and guard pretty much 1-5. But every time I'm on the court, I give it my all and try my hardest even if my shots aren’t falling."

How was life growing up in Harrisburg?

  • "Growing up in Harrisburg was kind of easy when I was younger because all I did was play basketball. But when I got older, I realized more that this city isn’t the safest and a lot of people don’t want to see you win. The main place I would go to ever since I was younger is the Friendship Center. Going there definitely helped me get better as a basketball player. Playing with older competition helped me learn a lot more too."

How was your junior season?

  • "My junior season was fun. We didn’t get the outcome we wanted, but I learned a lot. I Definitely know what I have to do and don’t do for next year. For my first year of varsity I don’t think it went that bad, but I’m going to work in the offseason to make sure we have a different outcome next season."

You’re still at a very early stage of your career. What kinds of things are you doing to make yourself the best player you can be?

  • "Before the basketball season, I was in the weight room a little bit but I plan on being in there more this off-season. Getting in the gym to work on more in game moves. Also, I'm going to work on my weaknesses so I can perfect my craft. By doing things I wouldn’t normally, getting extra shots up or even watching more highlights."

What are your plans for spring/summer?

  • "My Plans are to play for the TCBA Wolfpack. I didn't get my full schedule, but I know one of the tournaments is down in Virginia. I’m pretty sure we’ll be playing in some good tournaments with a lot of competition. I also will be at some summer basketball camps and summer league games, so my summer schedule will be busy."

Growing up with your older brother, Tayvon, I bet it was a great experience knowing how much of a positive influence he is on you. Describe your relationship with Bugsy.

  • "Growing up with my brother Tayvon was a great experience. He definitely taught me a lot, and told me a lot of important tips for school and sports. He told me to stay on top of my grades and to stay focused in school. On the sports side of things, he pushes me to be my best and try my best at everything. Plus he also works out with me. Anytime we play anything it gets competitive, but at the end of the day he just wants me to be the best I can."

I bet some people didn't know that you were on Netflix at one point. Describe the experience of making appearances in “QB1” with your brother.

  • "QB1 was fun to be a part of just watching my brother on tv was crazy and to see me on there was even more crazy. One moment from the show I remember that was embarrassing was when me and my brother were playing basketball. We was going back and forth until he fouled me, and didn’t stop playing and eventually scored and beat me. Back when I was younger, I didn’t like losing and cried but it’s all good. We played again over quarantine and I got my win back."

Love hearing that story. It took me back in time, but getting back to basketball. Which athlete do you look up to the most?

  • "A player I look up to the most is Jayson Tatum because of the way he plays is smooth and he gets buckets. I try to model my game after him. I used to watch him back in high school before he went to my favorite college basketball team. I admire his sidestep. He uses that move and creates a lot of space and he's a very shifty player."

Who do you look up to as role models?

  • "My role models are probably my brother Tay (Tayvon Bowers) and my cousin Juju (Julian Gray). They always push me to be my best. They both are brothers to me and are very supportive. Always trying to help me get better on and off the court!"

I know it is still very early, but what are you looking forward to in your senior season?

  • "My plans for my senior year is just doing more than I did last year. But I’m looking forward to working to be Mid-Penn Conference champions and going for a district championship. But it all starts now in the offseason. Everyday I'm going to work and get better. Also, next year I won’t overthink as much and take the shots I’m used to taking."

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me this morning, do you have any words of encouragement or motivation for people? Any last words?

  • "Whatever you do, give it your all and work hard so you can get to wherever you want to be. Even if things aren’t going your way, don’t give up because everything doesn’t go your way. It all depends on what you're going to do to pick yourself up. Lastly, this will not be the last time you hear my name, this is only the beginning!"

Twitter @Jbow_2

High School Coach Information

MIke Gaffey - Email

AAU Coach Information

Sabur Johnson

Contact Tyreese Smith

Photo Credits: Mitchell Corbett

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