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Player Profile: Jaydon Smith (Carlisle, PA)

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Name: Jaydon Smith

Height: 6-4

Position: Point Guard/Shooting Guard

High School: Carlisle (PA)

Graduation Class: 2024

AAU Club: Central PA Elite

GPA: 3.0

Status: Uncommitted

Favorite hobbies outside of basketball: hanging out with friends and family and extra hoop sessions.

Expectations heading into sophomore year: "To play a big role on my team this year. Also, to provide anything my team needs to win and to ultimately make my teammates better while improving on my own. But the main goal this year is to make playoffs and make a run in them."

Jaydon Smith is a 6-4 Combo Guard from Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He's currently a sophomore at Carlisle High School and ran with Central PA Elite during the live period. Under Unleashed Potential, Smith's game his continued to grow throughout this past year as he's showcased his big guard status in shooting the ball and becoming a strong two-way player. Despite Carlisle's team success last year, Smith has played well throughout his freshman season and is looking to play a bigger role for the Thundering Herd this winter. Let's get to know more about the Carlisle product!




Aggressive Finisher

  • "Smith uses his 6-4 frame to finish aggressively every time when attacking the rim. More of a silky smooth then strong finisher, Smith is able to get it done when putting the ball on the floor."

High IQ Player

  • "Smith is able to see over the defense and always looks to make the right play!"

Knockdown shooter from the perimeter

  • "Smith has shown a strong ability off the catch and being able to knock down the three. Always looks shot ready the film doesn't lie!"

Strong finisher

  • "Smith always sets himself in attack mode and in-control when attacking the basket. One of his best traits, Smith excels at taking defenders off the dribble."

Strong Two-Way Player

  • "You rarely see it out of young prospects but Smith is very sounded on both sides of the ball. Getting a bucket on one end which transitions into getting a stop moments later, Smith takes pride in being a two-way prospect."


Becoming Stronger

  • "Now out of his first year, this would be the right time for Smith to start adding general strength. Once he's able to get stronger and build a frame, Smith will be able to go through defenders at will and would benefit his game tremendously. Maybe, just maybe, he could increase his vertical and become bouncy."

Establishing his name on defense

  • "Smith is a solid two-way player for his age, but from what he told the RPN, he's looking to become tougher on the defensive end. The young man already takes pride on defense, but he aspires to turn into a lockdown defender by becoming quicker on that side."


  • "One of the biggest things that Smith has told the RPN that he wants to work on is becoming a leader. Leadership is a very crucial subject as everybody isn't built to be a leader. But with Smith's determination as a player and the praise he receives him from his peers, he's someone who others could look up to. Carlisle desperately needs a leader on and off the court with how the past couple of seasons have been and I believe that Smith can step up."

Shot Creation

  • "If Smith wants to becomes an offensive threat, he's going to have to start creating his own shot. Moving away from the stand up three and bulldozing through defenders, Smith should work on adding a pull up game and to his layup package to become more craftier, but effective. Being 6-4 Smith is already going to have that advantage on the perimeter but adding more ways to score, the young man is going to be tough if he can put it together."



When did you start playing basketball?

  • "I started playing basketball around 5 years old, but my parents always told me that I when I was a baby, I would always hold a little toy basketball in my hands no matter where I went."

Describe your game.

  • "I feel like I'm a tall and lengthy combo guard that can do whatever to help the team. I pride myself on making the best play to help the team win."

How was your freshman season?

  • "My freshman season was an eye opener for me. At first, I was playing like a 6th man role for my team and then moving up to the starting lineup about half way into the year. Also, the masks really made it hard for everybody I believe during that time. As for the team, we ended about even last year and missed out on playoffs, but I feel we all grew as a team and bonded throughout that rough time with COVID."

What is your role on Carlisle's basketball team?

  • "My role this year will most likely be running the main point guard role and just trying to create open shots for myself as well as the other great players on my team."

How was the live period for you?

  • "I played for Central PA Elite this live period and I feel that it went really well as we won a lot of tournament throughout that time. I'm just excited to hopefully have that same success next year."

You’re still at a very early stage of your career. What kinds of things are you doing to make yourself the best player you can be?

  • "I am currently just getting in the weight room as much as I can just trying to get stronger and quicker before the season starts up. I also love to train with Unleashed Potential throughout the offseason."

Which athlete do you look up to the most?

  • "The athlete I look up to the most would have to be LeBron James. He’s just always been my favorite basketball player because of his work ethic and how he gives back to his community which is something I want to be able to do one day."

Who do you look up to as role models?

  • "The main people I look up to now are my trainers in everyone at unleashed potential, Alexa Barbush, Jordan Stasyszyn, Joe Stasyszyn and Timmy Atkinson. I have been training with them since third grade and all of them are the main reason I've had a lot of success in basketball. Also, my high school coach Andre Anderson has also been their for me through a lot."

It’s still very early, but what are you looking forward to in your sophomore season?

  • This sophomore season I'm just looking to show people what I can do as well as what my team. We’re coming with a chip on our shoulder as many people have counted us out already, but we’re looking to prove them wrong!"

Do you have any words of encouragement or motivation for people?

  • "Just that if you be yourself and put the work in you can accomplish anything in life."

Twitter @jaydonsmithh

High School Coach Information

Andre Anderson - Email

AAU Coach Information

Brad Kopcha - Email

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