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Player Profile: Four Petre (Carlisle, PA)

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

Name: Four Petre

Height: 6-2

Position: Shooting Guard/Point Guard

High School: Comenius School For Creative Leadership (SC)

Graduation Class: 2024

AAU Club: Big Shots North Carolina/Upward Stars

GPA: 3.2

Status: Uncommitted

Favorite hobbies outside of basketball: Hanging out with friends, listening to music and shopping.

Expectations heading into sophomore year: "To contribute by helping my team win games and hopefully get some more exposure!"

Four Petre is a 6-2 Combo Guard from Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Petre moved to South Carolina in the summer of 2020. He's currently a sophomore who recently transferred from Nations Ford to Comenius High School and ran with Big Shots Nation and Upward Stars Columbia during the live period. I've watched Petre since he was in fifth grade and he was always one of the hardest working players that I've seen for his age. Always working on his shot with his father, Frank Petre, playing in multiple rec leagues growing up and in every showcase you could possibly name, Petre's grind has always been different as the proof is in the work. Petre is an aggressive three level scorer with a very fluid jumpshot and a natural born scorer. He's looking to play a huge role for the Knights in his sophomore campaign as they return the majority of their team from the 2020-2021 season. Let's get to know more about Mr. FP4!




Aggressive Scorer

  • "Petre is aggressive every possession when he touches the rock. Very solid at all three levels as a graceful shooter and tenacious slasher at the rim."

Creates his shot at a high level.

  • "Petre is a natural born scorer who's able to create his own shot. The young man has a knack for getting to his spots and making a play happen!"

High IQ Player

  • "Petre always looks to make the right play whether that's getting a quick bucket, or making the right play finding open teammates."


  • "His best trait, in my opinion, Petre is a legit sharp who can hit from anywhere 15 plus feet. As mentioned before, Petre has always worked on his shot since he was younger and it has worked wonders for him. He stays shot ready and isn't hesitant to let it go!"

Strong Slasher

  • "Petre has been working off the court hitting the weights, and this has helped him tremendously. He's added on strength early being able to go through defenders when facing bumps throughout the lane finishing strong at the rim. Even if he doesn't look like athletic type, Petre has sneaky athleticism but is able to move smoothly as well."


Being a tenacious defender

  • "Petre told the RPN that he needs to work on becoming a more intense defender. Whether this being on or off the ball, Petre is working on becoming a solid two-way player. Especially being in a different environment now, this will humble Petre even more to bring the best out of him!"


  • "Adding on to the defensive aspect above, Petre is also working on being a better rebounder at the guard position."



When did you start playing basketball?

  • "I started playing basketball when I was four years old with my dad."

Describe your game.

  • "I am a skilled shooting guard with good range from three, and I can score from all three levels pretty well."

How was your freshman season?

  • "My freshman season for school ball wasn’t the best experience, but I used it to mature, get better and learn how to work through things and adapt to my circumstances."

Describe the experience of moving from Pennsylvania to South Carolina.

  • "The experience was very hard at first with finding a good AAU team and school. Honestly, I have just found both pretty recently which is relieving and this should be my breakout year."

How was the live period for you?

  • "The live period went pretty well for me. I played with Upward Stars and we were on the Hoop Seen circuit. I got to play in front of coaches and find the way I play the game and develop a lot."

You’re still at a very early stage of your career. What kinds of things are you doing to make yourself the best player you can be?

  • "I make sure I get shots up daily and study some great players to model myself after. I have started lifting weights more which should help me a lot at the level I hope to get to."

What is the difference in atmosphere from southern hoops compared to the north? From what you've seen.

  • "The basketball experience down here is a different pace, more half court sets and organized. A lot more defense and I have experienced different types of showcases and some really good park runs. People generally play better pickup down here."

Which athlete do you look up to the most?

  • "I look up to Kobe Bryant the most. The way he played and his mentally inspires me a lot."

I heard you are quite the sneakerhead. Which pair is your favorite and name some brands of your liking.

  • "My favorite pair of shoes are my Kobe 6 Grinch, or my Yeezy slides because of how comfy they are. My favorite brands are Nike, Golden Goose and Adidas."

Who do you look up to as a role model?

  • "I look up to my mom in the big picture of life because of how she lives her life, and I just went to be able to give everything back to her."

It’s still early, but what are you looking forward to in your sophomore season?

  • "My goals for this season are just to do my best every game, and do whatever I have to do to help my team. Hopefully get some college looks and be on the circuit next year. Also, to mature and better myself as a person."

Do you have any words of encouragement or motivation for people?

  • "Ignore anybody who talks down on you. Most of the time they are just jealous of you, or want your spot in life. To work hard no matter what and always have the motivation to prove people wrong. Generally, always go at everything with a chip on your shoulder!"

Four Petre - Class of 2024 (Shot by Julio Velasco)

Four Petre Fall 2020 Highlights (Shot by In The Gym Hoops and NEO Youth Elite)

Four Petre 2021 Summer AAU Highlights

Twitter @CbgFour

High School Coach Information

Greg Jones - Email

AAU Coach Information

KJ Smith

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