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Player Profile: Michael Baturin (Camp Hill, PA)

Updated: Jan 24, 2022

Name: Michael Baturin

Height: 5’ 10”

Position: Point Guard

High School: Camp Hill High School

AAU Club: Team Durant Train AAU

Graduation Class: 2022

Current GPA: 4.5

Status: COMMITTED - Johns Hopkins (Baseball - 12/11/21)

Favorite hobbies outside of basketball: Exercise, government relations, international Relations, Spending time with family and friends, sports, studying languages (Mandarin Chinese, Swahili, and Latin),

Expectations heading into your senior season: "Winning the District Championship and giving it all I have got. Helping my team and coach to win and win the right way. Better understanding of the nuances of the game and how I can best help others and myself. Continuing to love the game as I always have and continuing to shutdown the opposition while incorporating a variety of ways to distribute and score."

Have you ever met a young person who goes out of their way on free time, to learn different world languages and government politics? You probably have at least once in your life encountered a similar situation, but this young man is highly intelligent. Michael Baturin is a different type of human being who puts a lot of passion into his every day life. I began having conversations with the young man about three months ago as he respectfully reached out to me and sent me his film for feedback. I receive basketball things all of the time with my network, but the fact that he was so respectful and willing to take the time to know what I thought about it, he made a very good impression. Any college coaches, scouts, or recruiting coordinators reading this, Baturin is a must get. Great academics, character, mannerism and would be a positive to any team's roster. Very well-rounded kid!

Michael Baturin is a 5'10" Point Guard from Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. He's a rising senior at Camp Hill High School and will be playing with Team Durant Train from the DMV area this summer. Baturin is a High IQ guard who always looks to make the right play while showing flashes of scoring at all three levels. He's a solid floor general who can run the show. Baturin is also a standout baseball prospect who was an important piece for the Lions as he just came off of a District 3 2A Championship victory and state tournament. He holds several offers from schools in both sports. For basketball, he holds an offer from Converse College, a Division 2 school in South Carolina and from another school in Vermont. For baseball, he holds three offers up to date. Baturin is looking to play either basketball or baseball in college wherever the opportunity is presented. Let's get to know more about Michael Baturin!




  • Can score efficiently at all three levels using three or less dribbles.

  • Change of direction/speed

  • Elite Passer

  • High IQ Floor General

  • His floater package is tough.

  • Knockdown Shooter

  • Pick & Roll/Pick & Pop Specialist, smart kid who reads the defense well in these situations.

  • Reads passing lanes well on the defensive side.

  • Sneaky Athleticism

  • Strong Mid Range Game

  • Very polished in the transition game.

Michael Baturin is one of the smartest players that you'll probably see on film. As a college recruiter, or coach, you do not want to miss an opportunity on seeing the kid play. Baturin is a smooth, High IQ guard who has a great feel for the game. He's a pass first point guard who sets his teammates up in the right position to score. Sometimes he may get a little flashy with his passes, but the boy can definitely put the ball on a string. Baturin smoothly scores at all three levels as he's able to freeze defenders with his swift ball handling ability and shows signs of knocking down 15 plus feet jumpers. He's also polished in the transition game as he's able to change speed on the fast break and score at will. Off the court, Baturin runs a smooth 60 (in baseball) as that pretty much explains his need for speed with the ball. As a defender, Baturin uses his brain on the defensive more when making a play. He's not the type to press a ball handler, but he intelligently finds ways to get into passing lanes and swipes for steals. He reminds me of players such as Jason Kidd, Chris Paul and John Stockton with his high IQ type of play.


  • Getting more physical on the court.

  • Increasing his offensive game

  • Letting the game come to him more

Michael Baturin is a very smart kid. He knows right from wrong on and off the court, but being smart sometimes can be hard. *Laughs* Sorry I had to make myself laugh for a minute, that sentence was too relatable. But Baturin has to let the game come to him more in terms rather than overthinking sometimes. Getting more physical on the court will help his game as well. Also adding more moves to his offensive game is a big thing for him that he discussed with me. Especially learning different cuts off the ball and polishing his reads coming off of the pick and roll. One thing I like about Baturin is he's always learning something new. He's different from a lot of younger prospects that I've seen. Salute to him. Below is my interview with Michael Baturin. He provided some really thoughtful answers!



When did you start playing basketball?

  • "I have been playing basketball since the age of four. I started playing in a league at the Harrisburg Y on North Street and have been playing basketball ever since."

Describe your game.

  • "My game is hard-nosed and intense, with a high level of playmaking and versatility. I love playing the game and although a point guard, I get to the rim, and attack the basket with authority. I penetrate the lane where I either finish or dish it off to a big. I make the right decision and do whatever is necessary to win the game. I love to run the break and understand how to control the tempo. Defensively, I have an ability to read passing lanes and create turnovers. This often creates momentum swings and creates high percentage shot opportunities for myself and my team. I impact the game in major ways, both offensively and defensively. I have confidence in myself and faith in my teammates as the floor general. My number one focus is winning."

What is your role on the Camp Hill basketball team?

  • "My role on the Camp Hill basketball team is the Point Guard. Specifically, I set up and run the offense by getting us into our sets, bringing the ball up court, and beating the press when it is on. As a ball handler, I need to make the right decision at the right time. First off, this involves protecting and moving the ball. Additionally, this consists of me controlling the tempo, distributing the ball well and scoring in multiple ways, especially so at crucial times. Defensively, I guard the quickest guard, and I am expected to create turnovers while giving nothing easy. I often start the break both for myself and teammates and put them in positions to succeed. I am also expected to be a playmaker and put our team in a position to win be it by scoring, playmaking, distributing the ball, or by creating turnovers."

How was your junior season?

  • "My Junior Season was great. The way our Coach, Athletic Director, Trainer, and School made it happen was incredible. We did not have any issues and still had a complete season. Delays due to the shutdown inevitably occurred, but we remained focused. In terms of our Team, we made it deep into the District Playoffs and during the season, beat some strong teams. Individually, I had an excellent season, I led the Mid-Penn Conference in Steals with 52, was among the leaders in assists; and was among the leaders in points and rebounds for the great majority of the Season, and was among the leaders in shooting percentage as well at Season's end. I learned a lot from watching my senior teammates and digesting what they did well. It was great playing with the juniors from my Class whom I have been playing with for many years and it was cool getting to know the underclassman as well. I had some big games. I received some college opportunities and for that I am thankful. Also, I have played lots of AAU and pick up ball over the years and I was able to bring that grit to the High School game which is a different style and I think I figured the balance out well. I am looking forward to more of all three!"

You mentioned to me that you’re a multi-sport athlete. How’s the baseball season for you at the moment?

  • "The Baseball Season was great. We went all the way to the State Quarterfinals, won the District Championship and have won games all season. For me, a strong year, hitting around .360 and leading or in the top in Average, RBIS, Runs, etc. In the Title Game, I went 3 for 4 with a triple and several RBIS. It was exciting. More importantly, we gelled and won as a team. I am also excited to say that I was selected to the Conference All Star Team. I believe that I have contributed to the wins in fundamental ways, getting hits, driving in runs, game winning RBIs, diving plays, and bringing energy to every play. My Coach and all the Assistant Coaches are fantastic. They look for me to drive in runs, score runs and close things out when needed which is highly rewarding. Our team chemistry is great. I have been playing with these guys for years."

How does education play a huge part in your life?

  • "Education plays a huge part in my life. I love learning, both in school and out of school. When in school, I am very focused, and especially enjoy getting into complicated material. I take mostly AP and honors classes which is a great deal of work, but worth the reward. I have uniformly great teachers which help to make these classes fun. I have always had a great respect for teachers and view them as allies in life and motivators, similar to coaches and trainers. Out of school, I maintain the same level of focus, studying and learning outside of school. For example, I have a deep interest in languages and have been studying Mandarin Chinese for years now, and am really understanding the nuances of the language such as the intonation, characters, etc. In addition, I spend time in the summer on academic things too, pushing myself to learn in new areas, focusing on areas that interest me such as languages, history, business and government. I plan on playing sports as long as possible, and, in the future, I see myself being able to take the knowledge that I learn from sports of having teamwork, reaching objectives and being adaptable. Along with what I have learned from academic studies, languages studies and non-academic studies to integrate them all to meet a lot of people and make a huge difference!"

What are your plans for the summer?

  • "Plans for the Summer involve learning, playing a lot of sports, playing in top tournaments, engaging with colleges, while spending time with my friends and family. I will be playing AAU basketball and team camp basketball, along with Travel baseball on teams FTB, when I will be in the MD/DC/VA area, and The Keystone Nationals for the remainder of the Summer season who I have played with for years. Team Durant and I connected and I hooked up with them and that should help advance my game and surround me with great talents, pushing me to my best."

You’re still at a very early stage of your career. What kinds of things are you doing to make yourself the best player you can be?

  • "I will be working out, getting stronger and faster. A lot of practice and games against top tier talent will help me with specific things like controlling the tempo and incorporating advanced plays. I will stay connected with Coach Barrows and everyone and take his advice and apply it to game settings. I will be running games against talent, that will make me the best player I can be. Also, hours in the weight room will certainly help and be a lot of fun."

Which athlete do you look up to the most?

  • "Two, Miguel Cabrera and Michael Jordan. Cabrera because of his greatness and the fact that he has so much fun playing the game he loves which I relate to. Jordan because of his constant competitiveness, his excellence on the court and for the fact that he continually pushes himself and does not look back, takes on all challenges and is always his best self."

Who do you look up to as role models?

  • "I look up to my parents as role models. My mom is the greatest, strongest person and an extremely hard worker. She has been at everything, every step of the way, competitive as anything too! My dad knows how to bring out the best in people, pushes me to be great and is always there for me."

It’s still very early, but what are you looking forward to in your senior season?

  • "Winning and having fun. Additionally, fine tuning my skills, hitting weight training marks, and other goals. I am also looking forward to developing my academics, along with my basketball game further so I am well prepared for the next level. I have a lot that I would like to do, big things to come and I am glad to work for them, from now through senior year and beyond."

Do you have any words of encouragement, or motivation for people?

  • "Always believe in yourself. Set high goals and work towards them. Lastly, bring everything you've got to whatever you are doing."

Michael Baturin - Camp Hill Class of 2022

Michael Baturin - Sophomore Season Highlights (2019-2020)

Junior Season Highlights


High School Coach Information

Basketball - Scott Barrows - Email

Baseball - Mike Acey - Email


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